Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mahjong Rules - How to Play Mahjong

Like many traditional board games, there is quite a large variety of mahjong variations which can make things quite difficult and confusing for beginners looking for an official set of rules. The most common set of rules are derived from the tradtional Chinese game which is considered by many to be the simplest yet probably the most skillful variation. There is also a British version of mahjong which is slightly different mainly because only one "Chow" is allowed per hand as well as allowing for more "special hands".

In America, the rules are quite different and involve a larger and complicated set of "special hands" which has been derived from the initial Chinese set and where a player cannot go "Mah Jong" with more than one suit in hand.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of variations so be sure to understand the rules for the type of mahjong form you are playing.

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