Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Mahjong Glossary and Terms

Here are some common terms used when playing the game of mahjong.

  • Bamboos - Most common name given for one of the suits. Also referred to as Bones or Sticks
  • Bonus Tiles - These allow for bonus points
  • Characters - The western name given for one of the suits and is also sometimes referred to as Cracks or Ten Thousands
  • Chicken Hand - A hand that doesn't give any points.
  • China Jade - A hand that consists of only green tiles.
  • Chow - A set of three tiles with the same suit in a sequence or run.
  • Circles - The western name given for one of the suits and is also sometimes referred to as Coins, Plates, Disks or Moons
  • Concealed - A tile or meld that has been complete from tiles drawn from the wall
  • Discard - To reject a card which can then be used by another player
  • Exposed - A tile or meld that was completed with a tile that was discarded from another player
  • Family Hand - A meld consisting of all three suits, winds and dragons.
  • Flower Tile - There are usually four of these in a set and are used to give points
  • Going Mahjong - Declaring a hand which is worth eight points or more.
  • Going Out - Same as Going Mahjong.
  • Head - A pair of tiles that is necessary in order to declare going mahjong.
  • Honor Tiles - Tiles consisting of Winds and Colors/Dragons.
  • Knitted Tiles - Tiles 1-4-7, 2-5-8 and 3-6-9 in different suits.
  • Kong - Four identical tiles.
  • Major Tiles - Tiles consisting of Honors and Terminals.
  • Minor Tiles - Tiles consisting of 2 through 8 in any suit.
  • Meld - A combination or set of tiles
  • Moons - Alternative name given for Circles
  • Open - Alternative name given for exposed
  • Pung - Three identical tiles which is sometimes referred to as Pong.
  • Self-drawn - A tile that has been drawn from the wall.
  • Set - A combination of tiles either chow, pung or kong.
  • Simples - Suit tiles which are not terminals.
  • Stepped - Chows separated by one or two numbers.
  • Sticks - Alternative name given for bamboo tiles.
  • Terminals - Tiles one and nine in any suit.
  • Twin Chows - Two chows of the same suit.
  • Void Suited Hand - A hand that doesn't contain any tiles of one suit.
  • Wall - Tiles that are assembled face down at the beginning of the game which are drawn from during play.
  • Winds - Tiles that represent North, East, South and West which are associated with each player.

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