Monday, September 14, 2009

Superheroes" Are Based on "Super Animals

Everyone remembers various superheroes from his or her childhood: Superman, with his ability to fly like a bird; Batman, who moves silently and has many other bat-like abilities; Spiderman, the subject of this article, and many more ... If you have noticed, all these heroes have one thing in common; they are all heroes because they possess various superior animal properties! These animals have been created with such superior features that fictitious human beings who possess just a few of them turn into "heroes" able to easily perform tasks that a normal person could never manage. When we examine these animals sued as role models for these heroes we do indeed encounter the most impressive properties.
As we have seen, the spider is an animal with spectacularly impressive features. It is of course impossible for these properties to have come into being in the spider by chance, or for a living thing such as spider with no powers of reasoning to have planned these features and placed them inside its own body. These superior features of the spider show that God created the spider flawlessly, just as He did all other living things.
Spiderman, currently playing in cinemas all over the world, possesses just a few of a spider's properties. As we hold our breath and watch these features in action in an imaginary character on the screen, we should also consider the spider itself, which possesses so many more, and feel even greater excitement in the face of God's magnificent creative artistry.
It must not be forgotten that Spiderman and all other superheroes are imaginary characters based on the wonderful living things created from nothing by God.

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